Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hale's Comet

I touched down at Hale's Comet this morning. Pretty junky place, but I heard they got work for my type, and I'm getting desperate. If not bounty hunting, I could at least be local enforcement or somethin'. Met a bizarre girl named Lily near the bar, talks like a child and moves like a cat. But she's a sweetheart, gave me a tour of the whole town, a meal, and even let me crash at her apartment- and allowed me a shower to boot! That's hospitality you don't see anywhere else in the 'verse.

Something seems off about her though, I'm not quite sure what. For all her child like behavior, she's a brilliant mechanic and she's packing some heavy duty guns. Hell, she's even the town deputy. She looks innocent and harmless enough, but I think I'd better stay on her good side. I reckon the girl's dealt her share of death and seen somethin' more than most.

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